
How to Tell If You're Falling for Your Client?

Love is a beautiful feeling when everything turns rosy and blissful in your life. Falling in love is like falling from 10,000 feet without a parachute. It's when oxytocin starts to flow in your bloodstream and makes you dizzy on a love spell.However, identifying all these common signs of falling

Love is a beautiful feeling when everything turns rosy and blissful in your life. Falling in love is like falling from 10,000 feet without a parachute. It's when oxytocin starts to flow in your bloodstream and makes you dizzy on a love spell.

However, identifying all these common signs of falling in love with a client isn't easy for an escort. That's because of oxytocin, aka love hormone. You see, ladies, when you orgasm or fall in love, in both cases, this hormone is released. This, in return, can confuse your feelings and can't let you pinpoint whether you are in love or just sexually attracted to a person. 

After having intercourse or spending time in someone's company, it is common to feel attracted to them. But calling it love could be wrong. It could be just an infatuation or crush that will pass with time. 

However, some feelings are beyond physical attraction and lust that you can feel for your clients such as feeling comfortable, happy, and content in a client's company. And ladies, this is what we call falling in love. 

But professional boundaries and your work line might confuse you and make it harder for you to acknowledge your feelings for your clients. If this is the case with you, too, you need to look for the common falling in love signs before taking the next step in your relationship. 

Sign 1. Nothing excites you anymore, except him or her

You are the top escort in Canada with the highest Toronto escort reviews on your online profile. But all this doesn't excite you anymore. However, a call or text from your special client unnecessarily makes you grin. In fact, you keep your phone with you all the time in the hope of receiving a text from your client.    

Sign 2. Sex isn't just sex anymore 

Having sex with a person isn't your job anymore. You don't feel disconnected after spending a night with your client any longer. When your client reaches his or her ecstasy, it also makes you happy and satisfied. You aren't having sex with your client just for the sake of your paycheck. In fact, you are looking forward to physically connecting with the person. 

Sign 3. You want to be adventurous 

If you are already an adventurous escort, you might feel even more adventurous after falling in love. In the words of Clair Burley, a clinical psychologist in the UK, love helps to expand our horizons. Things that you hesitate to try before won't affect you much after falling in love. You won't hesitate to be a little adventurous and not just sexually speaking but in other aspects of your life too. 

Sign 4. You take extra time to get ready 

When you are going out with your special client, you suddenly start to pay more attention to your appearance. Suppose if your client is taking you to a gala event, you take hours to get ready, whereas usually, you need less time to prepare. Also, you think about your client's preferences a lot before selecting your outfit or hairstyle. Suddenly, it's all about looking best for the person rather than just doing your job. 

Sign 5. You wish to know the person 

Usually, escorts don't ask their clients any questions. They prefer to maintain professional decorum by talking less about personal stuff with clients unless a client wants to talk. But when you are falling in love, you wish to learn more about the person. You desire to know what makes them happy, their aspirations, and their approach towards the future. All those small things like their favourite colour or dish suddenly matter a lot to you. 

Sign 6. You are looking forward to the next meeting 

Suddenly, you start to count days on your calendar for your next meeting with the client. You can't wait to meet him or her soon, even when you just had a whole night in their company. Heck, you even plan to give your client a discount so you can spend more time together. 

Sign 7. The person is always at the back of your mind

When you are with your other clients, you are always thinking about him or her. You even start to imagine his or her face while serving your other clients. Most importantly, you subconsciously say your special client's name while climaxing. This might annoy your other clients, but it will tell you what your heart wants clearly. 

Sign 8. You are willing to bend your rules 

If you have certain rules like not spending the night at clients' places or not going on weekend trips with your clients, you are suddenly willing to change them for a certain client. For example, you might not be into oral sex, but for your one client, you are willing to try it. This is a clear indication that you have a soft spot for this person. 

Sign 9. Money doesn't matter anymore 

You don't care about money anymore; you simply wish to spend time with your client. In fact, the matter of pricing your services is not of the utmost importance to you anymore. When love gets into the equation, there's no room for the money left. 

Sign 10. You feel safe

Mostly, escorts follow strict safety conduct to protect themselves while travelling or going on overnight dates with clients. But you aren't concerned about your safety any longer when you are with this person. You feel safer and comfortable in the client's company. You won't hesitate to spend a night or even go away on a trip with your client. 

Sign 11. You feel their pain 

If you're falling for your client, you will be extremely empathetic towards them. When they feel sad, you also feel sad, and when they are happy, things look brighter to you as well. This is because love attunes you with the person's feelings. Your feelings don't matter anymore; you are constantly worried about your special client's feelings. You even try to make things right for him or her by providing sexual or emotional support.

Sign 12. You want to try new things

Mostly, it's your clients who decide what they want to do in your time together. But, somehow now you also want to share your ideas with your client and desire to try new things with him. You wish to go on a picnic, date night, cinema or visit a concert with your client. 

You want to share new experiences and create new memories with your love interest when you are in love. So, if you find yourself making a list of things to try with your client, you might be falling for your client. 

Sign 13. You are ready to change your priorities 

You are a leading escort in Canada with a posh clientele, but you are ready to make changes to spend more time with your one client. You are ready to let go of your clients so you can book more appointments with your favourite client. You might even be planning to leave this career and give this relationship a shot (provided he's interested in that as well). So, escorts, when your career becomes your second priority, this has everything to do with love. 

Sign 14. You are no longer in a hurry to leave

Escorts are always on a tight schedule, so they don't spend more than booked time with a client. However, if you find it a huge struggle to leave your client after spending quality time with him or her and just wish to cuddle, then this is a clear sign you are falling hard for them. 

Sign 15. You yearn for sex

If you often provide sexual services to your clients, sex just becomes a job for you, and you might not get very excited about it every single time. But when you are in love, you suddenly start to feel like a horny teenager and can't keep your hands off your client. You simply want to rip off his or her clothes and have a rough tumble in a bed. 

Sign 16. The future seems brighter now 

Suddenly, all those things that you have never thought about before, like family, kids, and home, start to come into your mind. You start thinking about your future, keeping a certain person in the centre. In short, you start dreaming about a marriage and kids a lot more seriously than ever before. 

Sign 17. You don't think about your ex

The biggest sign of falling in love with a person is that your past relationships don't matter anymore. You don't think about your ex anymore, especially when you are in a particular client's company. If you and your ex have broken up on bad terms, all those hurt feelings won't affect you any longer. You feel ready to move on and don't hesitate anymore to open your heart for a new person. 

Love is precious and if you have found it with your client, hold onto it. However, this only applies if your client is falling for you too and you both agree that it's worth it. 

However, if you are worried about entering into a relationship with your client or aren't willing to give up your career just yet, then maybe think about not seeing this client anymore. 

If you have any questions regarding escorting and dating, you can refer to our Escort Rankings blog.


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