AldRich's Review of Maxime
- Name Used: Maxime
- City: Montréal
- Phone number: +1 5148124547
- Answers phone: Yes
- Provider's Email: [email protected]
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AldRich's Review of Maxime - Spicy Details
- General Description:
I don’t know how to put it into words because Maxime gave me so much of herself. - The Juicy Details:
I am not going to tell all, but let’s just say that she is the most authentic person I have ever met and she came through for me in more ways than one. Without saying too much, Maxime was great. We had a good love fest going on with lots of sexual action that included Sex Toys, DFK, 69 Position and so much more. This girl has energy too.
Other Escort Reviews for Maxime
morgan7Feb 2024
General Description:
Beauty , sexy , tall spinner with large natural breast. Maxime is woman that figured men pattern of behavior. Or should I say pattern of addiction.The Juicy Details:
See the full "Montréal Escort Review"
I also saw Maxime last Summer through a referral. What my buddy explained because of her time in the business, is she figured pattern of recognition in men. She understands her clients needs . Provides with these needs but whats most fucked up is she created her own patterns. That's why she became so popular and here we are still talking about her. Maxime loved to be dominated, so she attracted dominant men. Maxime loves to squirt . So she attracted men with skills in bed because she provides with the nastiest sexual sessions an escort can provide. Intense deep French kssing . Sucking and rimming par excellence . Nasty nasty dirty talk. The moment she would walk in to meet her clients, she set the mood instanlly. She presented herself as a slut. Her body demeanor , she made it clear if you have the right tip, she was there to please. And she would. With me she knew right away what she was in for. I'm extremely dominant. I told her and she gave in to me like the slut that she is. She is one of those rare girls who will multi orgasms during deep penetration. She squirted twice with me. I chocked her so hard that I briused her neck. I slapped her so hard that I bruised her ass. During all of which she was screaming FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME HARDER . Nasty stuff. She knew exactly what she wanted and created this pattern of behavior for her pleasure from her clients. Lots of orgasms, sucking rimming and money. Just great sex and dollars . That's brilliant. Maxime was the best escort I ever met. I have seen hundreds. In reverse Maxime in her career did see at least 2000 clients. So that makes her an expert . In time she figured how to attract men who were equally good in bed. And she did. I was speaking to the agency booker one night, and he told me that she now resides out of Montreal with some guy. In light of this, do I think Maxime is missing the glory , the attention she was getting from all of us men , the money and quality sex ? Of course she is . It's crazy to think that she doesn't. Will she succeed in her new life. I hope she does. Au revoir Maxime. -
sexynikkiFeb 2024
General Description:
Maxime toute une spinner . Apres avoir lu toutes les revues sur Maxime et celle de mon chum Roberto , car c'est moi qui lui a suggerer de la rencontrer. Je m'y connais en escorte . J'ai frequante 3 travailleuses du sexe. Il y a deux types de filles dans la business de l'escorte. Il y a les escortes et il y a les slut. Maxime figure dans la deuxieme categorie. C'est une slut Je vais vous expliquer c'est quoi la difference.The Juicy Details:
See the full "Montréal Escort Review"
Maxime est vraiment tres hot et respire le sexe . Elle aime le sexe et le corp des homme.Leur odeur leurs présence et etre dominée. Elle a aucune gene lorsqu'elle suce et riim le cul d'un mec. Elle prend la queue dans sa bouche et elle tire vraiment fort . Et ca l'allume. Elle est dirty et plus c'est dirty et plus elle embarque dans le trip de cul. Pour Maxime le sex et le cul c'est une deuxieme nature. Elle vient et jouis avec ses cients. Elle squirt . C'est pas peut dire . She's a slut. Seulement les femmes qui adorent les hommes vont squirter avec des clients .Maxime veut squirter . Ca la branche. Lorsqu'elle est venu chez moi je lui offert un drink et tres vite je l'ai prise et frenché fermement . J'ai assis son petit cul sur une chaise pour manger sa jolie snatch et elle m'a dit qu'elle aimait pas se faire manger. Qu'elle ne venait pas comme ca . Je me suis dit écoute la pute tu parle pas a ton chum. Je lui ai de ne pas sans faire que toute mes blondes sont des escortes. Elle m'a offert un beau sourire et je me suis mis au travail . Je l'ai mangé et sucé et elle me regardais en admiration devant ce que je lui faisait. Elle se sentait prise dans mes mouvements et me tirait les cheveux.. Ca meme pas pris 5 minutes et les cris de jouissances se sont fait entendre . Maxime venait de connaitre son match. Elle m'a ensuite offert une longue fellation crachait partout sur ma queue et ce que j'attendais le plus, elle m'a manger le cul comme une grande filles. Je l'ai sauté comme de raison et elle est venu une deuxieme fois . J'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir sa grosse pair de seins. Ce qui arrive a ma question . La difference entre une slut et une escorte . Une escorte ne donne pas ce qu'il y a de mieux en elle a leur client . Une slut oui. Tout le fun va au client et son chum le sexe c'est comme ci comme ca. Pour Maxime si le mec est dominan, baise bien avec de l'argent c'est le jack pot . Elle peut sentir l'androphile et l'estrogen parcourir son corq et lui il va recevoir tout ce qu'elle a de mieux . C'etait mon sort avec mon ancienne . Le soir ou Maxime est venu chez moi , mon ancienne travaillait et donnait tout a ses client. Voila pourquoi les sluts sont de loin les meilleurs escortes . Pour les sluts leurs chums et le sexe ca compte pas vraiment . Ca paye pas et l'argent c'est l'adiction . Meme si tu es laid , les couilles poilleux mais tu as de l'argent et dominant , avec une slut comme Maxime tes couilles vont finir dans sa bouche pareil ! Bro's look for the sluts . Pas facile a trouver . Maxime a été my best fuck depuis 4 ans. Moi aussi je l'aurais revu avec un autre mec . Mais élas she is gone . -
roberto69Feb 2024
General Description:
Enfin une revue en français. Je vais en profiter pour écrire mes commentaires. Maxime est une salope qui aime l’entendre et ce le faire dire. Elle est tout simplement la pute parfaite. Grande, blonde, mince avec de gros seins ferme, elle est tout simplement adorable. Une beauté naturelle. alors parlons-en.The Juicy Details:
See the full "Montréal Escort Review"
Maxime adore le sexe et manger de belles grosses queues la branche vraiment. Mais avant tout cette jolie merveille du sexe préfère être dominée, étranglé, bien baissée et adore la fessée J’ai rencontré des dizaines d’escortes depuis cinq ans , donc des hommes comme nous savons comment ci prendre avec les femmes.Je sais baiser. C’est comme ci elle peut sentir qu’elle sera bien pénétrée. Elle est fébrile lorsqu’elle offre ses services et lorsqu’elle nous indique … qu’elle est très ouverte d’esprit.It’s wild . Moi je voulais du french kissing , fellation gourmande et baveuse, de la pénétration profonde , une fille soumise qui aime prendre un vers , appoerter du plaisir et qui me mange le cul avec passion .De la salive et du langages ordurier tout y passe avec cette salope de Maxime. Elle crachait dans mes fesses, me suçait, lichait mes couilles et me mangeait le cul et elle me disait tu aimes ça mon cochon. Je lui ai demander d’entrer un doigt dans mes fesses et elle l’a fait avec ardeur. Pas au complet mais le mouvement était continue. Avec toute sa bave qui recouvrait mes fesses et mon cul j’étais au 7ieme ciel. Le meilleur restait à venir. Je lui ai mangé ses superbes fesses et je sais qu’elle eut un orgasme. Sa chatte était toute mouillée et pas de ma salive. Maxime a une vraie jolie chatte. Toute rasée et pour les amateurs de chatte bien mouillée , la chatte de Maxime est tout simplement délectable.J’avais le gout de pénétrer cette chatte Je l’ai alors prise en cow-girl avec une main dans sa bouche et avec l’autre je lui serrais les seins avec fermeté et je l’étranglais quand elles’est mise a jouir . Ahhh ahhh vas-y vas-y continu, continu. Le jus de plote c’est mise à couler. La pluie de jouissance de son corp et ses joues toutes rouge frémissant de plaisir. Cela avait passé trop vite. Une soirée de juillet tout simplement inoubliable. Si elle serait toujours parmi nous, il ne fait aucun doute que je l’aurais réserver avec un de mes amis. Là-dessus je suis curieux de savoir si un de vous a été rimmé par Maxime en duo avec une autre fille ou a avec un autre gars . En somme personne a vu le départ de Maxime venir. Comme on peut tous le lire, son plaisir était immense avec ses clients. Je sais qu’elle a passé presque dix ans avec les VIPs . Peut-être que l’heure était arrivée. Mais il ne faut pas oublier que Maxime est une croqueuse d’hommes qui aime le changement et diversifier ses soirées, cela avec plusieurs hommes. Son plaisir sexuel, son argent et surtout sans attache. C’est à suivre. Roberto -
yesman1Feb 2024
General Description:
Juste une superbe fille blonde tres hot jeune mince gros seins qui aime sucer et elle le dit tout le long de la session. Elle est sincere lorqu'elle le dit. Les couilles les fesses et ma grosse queue tout y passe .The Juicy Details:
See the full "Montréal Escort Review"
Maxime est parti et c'est vraiment domage car mon ami et moi l'aurait prise elle tout seule car elle aime se faire baiser par deux gars. On aurait du faire cela le soir qu'elle est venu ici ca aurait ete tout un party. Pendant deux heures de temps elle m'a sucer rimmer embrasser et partout . La queue mes couilles dans mes fesses bouche et main. Elle a pas arreter de me dire comment elle aimait ca sucer une belle grosse queue comme la mienne . Elle frottais ma queue sur ses gros seins . Si il serait la on l'aurait deja taper a deux . Une vrai salope il y avait de la bave partout sur mon penis mes cuisses mon cul mes fesses . Elle m'a manger le cul c'etait trop bon. Tout fait avec charme et beaute. -
lostinlustDec 2023
General Description:
Spectacular and lovely young woman. Blonde , sexy , very naughty. A young slut . A woman that loves dominant men.The Juicy Details:
See the full "Montréal Escort Review"
The beauty about Maxime is within 10 minutes she was already naked on her knee's rimming my butt. Let me share the details with you. I saw Maxime only one time unfortunately and it was on her last evening at Nadya's VIPs . It was August 11th . Just a great Friday night. She visited me at 1am . I knew what to do and what to expect therefore I had drinks and party time set on the table. The word had gotten around that if you have the goods she would provide you with the best sex ever. She is the real definition of a sex bomb . I was very pleased to see that she was in a great mood that night . I asked her if she could handle and in the mood for hard core fucking sexn and she smiled back in her own sluty way and said yes . We started to deep french kiss and boy did I took full advantage of her lovely snatch. While she was on knees sucking my dick and balls she was moaning the entire time saying just how she loves having my hard cock in her mouth . She then squeezed her large tits around my cock . It was really cool . I proceeded to put my fingers in her mouth and I layed down on my back expecting to have her lick my ass and that's what she did . Very dirty wet and long rim job. She was liking my butt hole using her tongue directly in my tiny hole. She kept going for at least 30 minutes going back and forth from my balls , cock and ass. It was so hot both of us were so horny that when licked her pussy it was already all wet ready to be pounded . She was begging me to fuck her , Fuck me Fuck me . From behind then on top of me . I was squeezing her tits and choking her while she was saying yes yes keep fucking me harder harder don't stop I'm comiing yesss . She was holding me tight during her orgasm and I also shot my load during this intense fucking session. We were all wet as we both started to enjoy some laughter and more deep french kissing as I was holding her close to me . Sluty , horny , dirty and romantic all together. What a gem . Boy would I repeat . -
markus999Nov 2023
General Description:
Maxime is back thrilling , sexy and adventurous .Full GFE excitement . Hello there folks. Let's talk about the wonderful and lovely Maxime. Just a charming young and stunning lady. Tall , slim , very tiny , perfect 22 inch waist line, big tits, beautiful blonde hair , nice model type body . She has the most wonderful hands and small feet. She loves sex and during her dirty talk she readily admits that she is a hot slutt. She loves to come , huge full female orgasms, she loves being choked while being penetrated, she screams while having her orgasms and enjoys the cock like all slutts do. The cock is what produces the best orgasms for a slutt. Deep penetration is what drives slutts to having fun. All slutts know how to provide with a great sexual experience to their clients so they can screech and enjoy the benefits of a quality hard on with deep penetration. Maxime loves to pleasure men. Rimming ,she loves rimming and have her own butt liked too, dirty talking , tit sucking and fucking , anal sex if you are lucky , having her perfect pussy licked , submissive to the pleasure all of her clients, lesbian, full interactive duo's with other women , loves sex with two men at a time and having back to back orgasms ,she enjoys using toys, ball sucking , swallowing , spanking, ball slapping, she loves choking , hair pulling , spitting in each other's mouth, snowballing, cum swapping. There will be saliva all over your cock, balls and ass so she can get us guys turned on with a great boner ready for penetration and get Maxime to have multiple orgasms. That's Maxime. She is so lovely et une vrai salope.The Juicy Details:
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To better describe ourselves we're a group of 22 friends. A group of 22 grand Montreal hobbyists that for close to 4 years , since the lockdowns, have been keeping in touch with each other, if ever one of us is able to find a beautiful young woman that is into giving long and instance rimming and cock sucking sessions, then let everyone know right away. I'm speaking of butt licking , hands going all over the ass and of course slutty butt hole licking. Remember only slutts will do rimming. That's when you know you are having sex with a real slutt. Maxime is exactly what she is. A wonderful slutty sex addict . When we do find a special beautiful young slutt that will gladly provide us with rimming the way we like it; performing with long rimming sessions , we immediately share that information with the entire group. These special gorgeous girls that enjoys licking and rimming are rare .They must be slutty. Or better yet , Submissive horny slutts. Maxime is one of those. She will lick your butt hole without having to ask. To put you into context ; it all happened when in late June a friend of ours in the group received the visit of Maxime. He told us right away that Maxime gladly offers the perfect rimming experience, licking every parts of your ass and sliding her large tits in your ass too. Wet and long blow jobs So on a beautiful Saturday night in July , 3 of us booked Maxime back to back, for her to visit us at our own individual places. I was the second one. This was not the first time we did this so we can call each other in between calls. But this time we were very anxious. Our Friend also explained that she was a sensual deep French kisser with the best slutty attitude he had ever experienced. Plus she would submit to every sexual request and intensively lick your ass. The best slutty attitude he had ever seen. She would say ''' je vais te nettoyer la raie ''' and actually do it. That's all we needed to know. Finally on the Saturday night of July 13 it was party time. Each one of us was ready. Drinks and party . Maxime loves to have a couple drinks and party .This lights the fire up. It was pure magic. She walked in our places with her unique slutty behavior. Sex is an addiction with her. The moment she walked in the deep French kissing was non-stop. All 3 of us shared the same experience. She rimmed all 3 of us with saliva all over our buttholes. At least 20 to 40 minutes of rimming and sucking. We would be on our backs, she takes our legs up and spits on our cocks , balls and butt hole. There was saliva everywhere , sucking our cocks , balls and ass. Myself I enjoyed face sitting . She was laying down on her back and I positioned myself in a 69 position. She was licking me deep down and slow while I was playing with her pussy and ass. The dirty talk was fabulous. What I loved the most is when she took my entire butt hole in her mouth and kept sucking on it and popping out. I could hear these loud '' mouth pops '''. It was magical. The dirty talk was crazy . Je vais te nettoyer la raie . Tu aime ca. This woman loves to be dominated and I really did. I took her in a solid missionary position, choking her , pulling her hair, spitting in her mouth while she was saying Keep going Keep going , Keep going I'm.coming I'm coming then she squirted all over my bed as I was fucking her I could see the liquid comming out of her pussy. It was the first time for me . I had never seen this in a woman before. I took a picture of it. My bed was covered with her liquid . She had orgasms with all 3 of us. Maxime is one of a kind. She obviously enjoys sex and money . But even more the adrenaline of meeting with strangers. Having sex with someone you don't know can be very thrilling. I think this really turns her on. To conclude, during the months of June , July and August Maxime saw 11 of us in the group and she all shared with us her glorious services being The dirty talking , wet cock sucking and sensational rimming experience. And most of us are no Brad Pitts I can assure you that. But we all got the same royal rewards. I know she swallowed at least two of us. Now that she is back we would like to book her in a 3 guys mini gangbang , horny sex affair with a lot of rimming , face fucking and orgasms of course. She is the most beautiful escort I have ever seen. Delicate , sexy with a dirty smile to die for. -
markus999Oct 2023
General Description:
I have seen Maxime several times over the last 3 years . She a tall blonde lovely Girl with a splendid silouhette. Maxime is the perfect slut . The perfect anal sex provider .The Juicy Details:
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I have seen Maxime long after anal sex was no longer part of her services. But since we had such a great connection, she knew each time the driver was taken her over to my place that I would fuck her ass . She would walk into my place and as usual 5 minutes later she was already sucking my dick and stroking my ass . She was always horny and slutty. I would then flip her over , to slowly fuck the slut's beautiful ass doggy style. I would do it long and slow . It was magic and she never refused. She was moaning with pleasure . Is she a nymphet , I have to agree . She is a slut for sure . A beautiful one also. Her best services were those not listed on her profile : Anal Sex , Rimming, anal play , Submissive , spanking , hair pulling , foot fetish , dirty talking and she was the best dirty talker there is , and she loved being called a slut . She was so gorgeous. See you soon Maxime :) -
hobbyist1Oct 2023
General Description:
I have been a hobbyist since 2010 religiously looking for one type of girl. Submissive PSE escort . Into long rimming and anal play sessions . Oral sex par excellence of course ! Maxime provides all of these services without having to ask ! She just went down on me and licked my anal parts with passion and delight . Given by such a stunning beautiful woman was magnificent. Just a stunning sex addict . A true slut that I spanked , chocked , spit in her mouth , pulled her hair , sucked and slapped her breast and rimmed .The Juicy Details:
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What a stunner , she has the face of an angel and in short she is one hot looking slut . Before calling a girl over I always do all of my diligence . I exchange with reliable hobbyist , a couple, friends that I can trust , then when everything checks out , only then will I place that call. Maxime was a hot topic among some of us. Those looking for a special type of girl. Slutty that loves rimming giving and receiving. The word had gotten around of this subversive beautiful slut that really loved to be treated as such by dominant men. In that late August night she visited me at my place .She was sublime. We have some drinks , we enjoyed some party and the way we went . She submitted to me heart and soul . I enjoyed this long rimming, butt licking from Maxime that was magnificent. I was holding her hair firmly in a form of a pony tail , slapping her tits , spitting in her month while she was licking me every where . Licking and sucking my cock , balls and butt hole. Her hands were as active as her mouth. None stop rimming action. She kept rolling her tongue around on my butt hole for at least 15 minutes none stop. The slut was drooling everywhere. Things got really dirty. While she was moaning and the dirty talking was out of this world. I like your hard cock ! Got her on her back faced fucked her that enjoyed some love making that was really cool . I was chocking and that was even more fun. I took the base of her throat and applied a lot of pressure when her eyes started to roll back and her body begin to tremble when she started to tell me fuck me fuck me yes fuck me harder I'm coming I'm coming .It was amazing . After I shot my load she finished me in her month. Maxime is a 20 / 10 . She is a beautiful young lady that knows what she wants . Being dominated and treated like a slut . I would have repeated . -
nastySep 2023
General Description:
Hot ! Really Hot !! Then there is Nastier !!! Maxime is so petite and gorgeous it makes to the moment to be even more memorable. She is a bitch in bed that wishes to be dominated and my friends did I really took advantage of her and treated Maxime like a slut that she is and she loved every moment of it . Why did she , read the juicy details.The Juicy Details:
See the full "Montréal Escort Review"
This took place this Summer , I saw her via the feedback I was getting, and the pictures on her profile spoke by themselves . I then placed my reservation. This young woman looks very good . We had some party , couple drinks and by then we were already tied up with deep French kisses her hands already going down my pants , my hands in her top playing her boobs. The dirty talk then already got started . I was telling her YOU WANT TO SUCK MY COCK DO YOU ... she responded YES YES I WANT YOUR HARD COCK ... Very fast our clothes were off and the slut was already sucking me off , spitting on my balls , drooling all over my dick . More dirty talk SUCK IT SUCK HARDER ... The slut responded .... YOU HAVE SUCH A NICE HARD COCK I LOVE SUCKING ON IT ... She was moaning . The slutty escort then started to give me this great anal butt massage her hands all wet with spit and saliva , my ass was covered with her drooling all over me when she started to kiss my butt cheeks while her hands kept playing with my ass then finally she started to lick all around my butt ole. Dirty sex ! This was nasty , a fuck and nasty mind-blowing one hour blow job ! Got her in a classic doggy and I spanked her really hard pulling hair and I asked the her YOU LIKE THAT DO YOU ... she respond YES YES ... Got her on top of me and she took me for a serious ride . I was holding by the neck , her hand was holding my hand while I was chocking her when she engaged in with more dirty talks FUCK ME FUCK ME HARDER YES IM COMING YESSS YESS IM COMING BABY . And we both did it was spectacular . Her juice was all over the bed sheets :) Nothing else can be said . Just a nasty bitch . A great lover now number one in my list . -
elliot69Sep 2023
General Description:
Tall and classy Maxime . A charming busty blonde , a lovely young Lady that only wants to be treated like a slut . All of her .The Juicy Details:
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In mid-June I had got wind through the back channels of this slim blonde escort , model type , tall and busty with a very submissive attitude and that loves to be dominated and treated like slut. Sometimes it pays off to be connected and in early July I finally was able enjoy the visit of Maxime. We shared a couple drinks , a bit of party that only served to ignite the magma . She took my cock into her mouth I was holding her hair directing her like that slut she is to me cock , balls and when a raised my knees , I told her to spit on my balls and ass . Only to find her holding my balls with her left hand , the right end going all over my butt and ass with my cock in her mouth . The young nymph kept on saying '''' WoooW what a nice cock you have it's perfect in my mouth ''' We then went into one of my favorites 69 when we kept on rimming each other for almost 30 minutes . Our bodies were covered with saliva .That was fuck and dirty. We finally had this urge to merge and we did. From doggy style when I slapped of ass with authority , I took her on top of me , squeezing her tits and neck chocking the slutty lady. We were fucking and she was yelling '''' Fuck me Fuck me Baby , more, more more yes I'm coming '''' and we both did. Her juice was all over me. We looked at each other and smiled to this awesome sex session and she kissed deeply in a way to say thank you. -
sylvanoSep 2023
General Description:
Maxime , tall horny blonde, very pretty , totally submissive nympho that loves two men at a time. Gents she's does . I'm in the position know , I was the other guy with John at the F1 GP.The Juicy Details:
See the full "Montréal Escort Review"
This is my part from John's feedback . Before we walked in the room a friend of ours was there and they already had a few drinks . The moment she both saw us she knew what was coming to her. She started to smile like and glee . We looked at her she was so turned on at knowing she was going to get fucked by the two of us , she was melting . The nympho quickly started to suck at both of our cocks . We were pulling her hair hard taking her month to our cocks while playing and sucking her tits , ass and pussy. We laid her down her back while she was looking at us begging to fuck her. She was so beautiful and submitted . I took her to the bed side took my cock into her with hard thrust grabbing and slapping her tits . John was face fucking her month pulling her hair and slapping her tits. She was playing was his balls and sucking on them also. The best is we were taking turns at chocking her . She was totally dominated her eyes were rolling . At one point we were both chocking her when she started to shake and turned all red she had this loud orgasm . She was screaming . She was having fun . John right away took over and flipped her over to fuck her doggy style while she was still coming and was just slapping her ass until she continued to come for a second time . This was really fun ! Maxime is a complete nymph . Cheers to her . -
verybadboySep 2023
General Description:
A Call Girl on the rise . Maxime is a lovely and sexy nymphet with an unsatisfiable thirst for nasty sex, anal play ( pegging, rimming on her given and receiving ) dirty talk , hair pulling , bitch slapping and as you have read , she loves the cock . Just a wonderful party girl. Maxime understands full well that she is a nymphomaniac and she is very adventurous. After reading all of the feedback and enjoying serious sex with the Star Escort, Maxime is perfectly deviant. Perfectly ! More so after a couple drinks.The Juicy Details:
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The beauty here is that it was wild, wet , nasty and dirty . The type of sex only a nympho would cater to. And she submitted to every sexual request that I placed . I have called so many escorts over the last ten years and had several girlfriends, today I'm qualified to know who is nymphomaniac . From the time I have seen her, and what is shared with us here , Maxime is a loving nympho. In respect to privacy , I will keep certain details out but I can share with you that the rimming part was fantastic and her wearing a strapon pegging me was out of this world . The moment I asked her to use the strapon she agreed with laughter. The oral sex was perfect And during the act of penetration we bonded so well . Can a sexual addict like Maxime that finally had secured her place at the top and enjoying the full financial rewards of her escorting career suddenly stay out of the limelight, the dollars , the party and the fun for much longer. I wouldn't bet on it. The only thing I can say is that sooner or later her mind will soon play tricks on her. It's going to tickle down there and hit her G Spot . Money + Sex is a dirty habit and thought to quit . For a while you may convince yourself out of it .In truth a tiger cannot change its stripes. -
richc1Sep 2023
General Description:
Maxime is seductive , obedient to male fantasies and I will confirm that while having sex she is very sluthy .The Juicy Details:
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The dirty parts first . Maxime is horny girl that loves to be touched, dominated and played with. The moment I started grabbing and squeezing her breast firmly, right away she started to give me these long deep French kiss with a lot of tongue action. I spitted in her mouth and she spitted into mine. Her face was already turning red .I was sitting down raised my knees she understood exactly what I was looking for . She went down her knows let she was suppose to and started to suck me , she gave me this nasty blow job all while she was spitting on my cock and balls' when without asking she was playing with my butt hole. She was getting hornier she was gasping and moaning with pleasure when I told her to slap my balls . We were fuck and dirty talking by then. I was pulling her hair the hard , touching her pussy and ass she was fuck and wet. I rimmed her of course and the time came to let loose when I slowly inserted my hard cock into her . With every thrust of my cock and body , the dirty talks only got better she kept saying Oh yes fuck me baby , Fuck me harder , I'm going to come . This was the signal I was looking for to put my hands around her neck when I started to slowly put more more pressure on her neck chocking her and she loves it I just kept chocking her will fucking when she said Yes Yes I'm coming keep fucking me . Gentlemen, we all know when women have orgasm, they make funny faces that they can not make and fake in a natural state ..Only when they come. Maxime was all red , face ,chest and breast . I was covered with vaginal orgasm. Nasty fuck . In the end what sets Maxime apart is her horniness and loves being dominated . She loves sex , being fucked , loves the cock , being rimmed , Finally Gentlemen don't let anyone fool you. I have seen over 20 escorts this year and if you don't see these signs in a female body , you have been dupped . You must see the funny face , the face cheeks turning red and the body turning red and warm . Anything else is a lie. I wanted to repeat with Maxime but we cant for now, She loved the attention too much and left too early . She left at her sexual peak. -
bacheloraddictSep 2023
General Description:
Maxime is pornstar beauty ... a sex addict ... what drives Maxime is ... nymphomaniaThe Juicy Details:
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Deep penetration, lesbian show, orgasms, ball sucking , deep French kissing , deepthroat, drooling , spit every where covering my balls all the way down my butt . I love escorts and Maxime is engaging , she loves fantasies with deep urges to please . Needless to say I was at one of those guys at bachelors where Maxime was wearing stockings ''' only ''' when we took her in a small room at the location of the party where we were all having sex with the other girls . It was fuck and nasty something out of a porn movie and Maxime was the star and the center of the attention. My friends were fucking and having blow jobs with the other girls in this tiny place with couches where the lovely sex addict started to suck my cock , my balls , drooling there was saliva everywhere making constant eye contact then she submissively started to stroke my butt ... I was on fire . It was dirty and nasty there was people fucking and sucking everywhere and when I asked her to fuck me she smiled and she obsessively started to ride my cock . She wanted to come . We were kissing with spit , saliva , my hands around her neck , pulling her hair , grabbing and slapping her nice tits. She started breathing heavy then heavier when her chest and face turned red she started let everything out while having a loud orgasm . All of the other girls on the scene smiled with desire . I'm still in ah at the scene . Did Maxime leave only to better come back ... All I can it was the best party ever . -
broguySep 2023
General Description:
Brothers Maxime is a party girl / submissive / hot / unbelievably sexy spinner with an awesome waistline / nice rack big tits for her small size.I loved sucking and squeezing them and Bro's she has an overall look to die for.The Juicy Details:
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There are three highlights to my time with Maxime 3 . I rimmed her while stroking my index finger in her tiny ass and using my left hand just going around her clit and beautiful shaved pussy. It was hot and her pssuy was getting wet. 2 She gave me a long and wet blowjob , sucked my balls there was saliva everywhere and then I told her to go lower down on me , she did ans started to licked my butt cheeks and she used her hands and fingers to play with my ass . 1 It was dirty , very dirty with lots of DFK's and guys it only got better once I started to fuck her and in the middle of the action I slightly put my hand around neck and she did not push back. All of the nastiness got her to come. So submissive . My buddy's and I are trying to book her for a potential 7 guys gangbang . Maxime, let's do this :) -
partypartySep 2023
General Description:
Gentlemen , Maxime is just a gorgeous and sexy young woman that understands the full meaning of erotica, whom is now at the pinnacle of her own sexuality and understanding her own desires , now more especially that she has reached her peak of her tenure of her escorting adventures .The Juicy Details:
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Gentlemen, I will confirm that Maxime is charismatic young Lady that brings so much sexual energy at every steps she makes and I have a firm believe that she has reached the pinnacle of her sexuality. Needless to say , Maxime is obviously into sex and after seeing her myself , from my personal experience , she is having fun while in the presence men. Her eyes will glow with desire once you start touching her skin, her breast, her shoulders and thighs. Stepping into the juicy details, my personal core desire was always and still is rimming . Receiving and giving. Speaking for myself naturally , I believe rimming to be a remarkable act to provide to a trusted sexual partner and in the ultimate sex act she rimmed me . I will say that I was as pure as only her can imagine. As a final though and after reading the other comments , this it was a moment worth sharing . -
lovingladiesAug 2023
General Description:
Great looks , smoking body , the way I love Ladies. Slim , sexy and adorable. We received her at my 5 star downtown Montreal hotel .The Juicy Details:
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I loved my time with Maxime. She is emotionally connected and submissive . From the moment she walked in she looked good and sexy . I took her to my room where we kissed , undressed and she took my staff to give me one of the best blowjobs I had ever received. She took her time and sucked on my balls also . After the first hour my best friend walked in and I gave him the hint to join us . He got it and asked Maxime for a threesome . We were on . We took turns at kissing Maxime playing with her tits. Maxime is into men and she felt our energy has we were grabbing her . From there we were emotionally connected then she gave herself away . Put her in a doggy position while my friend was fucking hard from behind and she was sucking me . I was holding her head so I could deep throat her . Maxime’s eyes were rolling with ecstasy. She was having fun . She was yelling at every stroke . Just look at any porn movie threesomes two men and one woman . It was just like that . But even better . We were in it ! She now offers filming , my friend and will repeat . -
ottawadude1Aug 2023
General Description:
Maxime is a bachelor pornstar . Hot legs tight ass just a beautiful Lady . The moment she walked in with the other girls it was party on :)The Juicy Details:
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I just landed on this board. This is truly awesome. Last year we booked Sugar, Gabriella and Maxime to a bachelor party at Fidler Lake to spend a couple hours with us. They started with a Lesbian threesome ! I couldn't believe my eyes . Maxime was so hot ????. Once it's was done we took turns on Maxime. She gladly sucked us off nice and slow . I took my clothes of and I really wanted to get into her perfect tight pussy - deep penetration and she came . It was the night of my life . -
carlo69Aug 2023
General Description:
Real photos Maxime is a tall and slim genuine PSE call gorl . A wonderful toy made for the big boys . And im one of them .The Juicy Details:
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Saw her a while back when I was sent to deal with a supplier ours . Im in my late 40’s and I like my sex a certain way . PSE like the boys appreciate an escort. There was a lot of deep french kissing, different positions until the best part cumming into her mouth. Look Maxime will suck you with intensity. Sucking until throbbing. I asked that she showed me once I came into her mouth. Its was wonderful to see and she swallowed it all before my own eyes. Immediately after she continued sucking till the very last drop. WoooW. -
john1979Aug 2023
General Description:
WoooW ! She is exactly like her pics, super hot, with a French accent. Just a blonde bombshell that enjoys sex a lot. Maxime is the perfect sex doll that is great to play with. We did her two at a time ...The Juicy Details:
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Im not new to calling girls, but I have to admit ,I like what I'm reading here on Maxime. We called this agency before and it was good. Until a couple weeks ago, me and a buddy of mine fucked Maxime at an high-end luxury hotel . She's a spinner that enjoys the cock a lot. And it shows , every time my buddy and I directed her mouth to our cocks she sucked our rode's and nobs with a smile on. Her boobs are natural great to play with. We enjoyed grasping those lovely tits while we fucked her left and right in every position two guys can think off. Face fucking and pounding none stop. Orgasms oh yes I saw her came twice. Breathtaking sex experience , we were all into it. On my next visit I plan seeing her with two of my friends ,I know she can handle three guys . Hot Body . With Incredible Services and we will ask for every extra's even those that are no longer listed . Honey for the right amount of money :) For one hour why not ? -
GeN668Jun 2023
General Description:
Genuine lady, slim, not exactly 100% my type but she looked sexy and kinky on photos which was enough for me.The Juicy Details:
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There was something about Maxime. To me, she looked like a girl who knows how to satisfy a man. From the start, I had a feeling it will be a hot, passionate, and kinky date, and I was right. It was easy to arrange the details, and everything went smoothly and easily. In the end, she provided more than I expected. She definitely goes in my top 5. -
vamp2334Mar 2023
General Description:
Her sucking me off, and I was in heaven. Removed the rest of my clothes, and went for it.The Juicy Details:
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God, she was so hot just wearing her stockings as I thrust into her in so many positions. I had an awesome time, and we kept going at it through two rounds of the steamy sex until we were both exhausted. I hope she didn't have appointments after me lol -
123gogoSep 2021
General Description:
Highly seductive foxy lady, knocked me off in a second with the look in her eyes.The Juicy Details:
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It was a night to remember. It was a while ago, but I still think of it like it was yesterday. We both are a little bit kinky, which is great, we wanted to play with each other, we communicated our needs straight. We even used toys for pleasure, it was so arousing to watch her play with vibrator while I was pounding simultaneously. She squirted each time she had an orgasm, I have seen this only in porno movies... It took us several rounds to be fully satisfied...