yellow_Boliz's Review of Lilly
Overall ranking: 5 / 5
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yellow_Boliz's Review of Lilly - Spicy Details
  • General Description:
    What we had was rare, it is the kind of sex you don't experience often.

  • The Juicy Details:
    Lilly made my body combust in extreme pleasure! She was whispering in my ears telling me I am doing a great job and telling I am actually good. Who would not want assurance right? I was close to madness when I climax. I cursed a little knowing I can only be an hour with her, I want more. Her natural breast are so soft and her pinkish tits. Her body is every man's dream. Seeing her completely naked is already satisfying, it was non-comparable when I was already fucking it. Dear, I am haunted by your body and voice. I will be seeing you soon.