
Can I interest you in an erotic Sensual Massage?

Allow me to introduce myself and you to the seductive world of pure Erotica! My name is Julia and I am a sweet sensual beauty with long platinum blonde hair, brown bedroom eyes, silky soft skin & a great set of natural 36D’s.

As a professionally trained masseuse I specialize in discreet encounters with select gentlemen. Come be rejuvenated with a targeted firm or sensuous massage, TLC & more. I’ll help you relax your body and rejuvenate your spirit, leaving you feeling warm, relaxed and satisfied. You deserve a little pampering!

My services are tailored to your unique wants, needs & desires. For more information about my services and what I can do for you please contact me directly by phone at 250-883-9069. Once we establish our working relationship I am happy to communicate via text for future appointments.

Services are conveniently located in down town Victoria, British Columbia in an up-scale, clean, discreet , smoke free environment. Choose either the spa room with soft music or the play room with soft caresses. Let me spoil you.

Call or text to 250-883-9069 to book or to inquire further regarding my services but please understand, I don’t discuss the details on the phone as each session is uniquely created. I’m happy to respond to texts once we’ve met.


Please include your name, phone and what time you would like to book.

COVID-19 update, masks and sanitizer are available. There is also parking and a shower available if you wish to use it.

Sensual Massage

To learn more about my Sensual Massage Rates or other services I provide visit my services page.

My discreet, clean and safe environment of bliss awaits you for your sensual massage appointment.

You deserve the best. Let me treat you like a king, work out those kinks while you relax and let life’s stresses disappear. I’ll have you feeling like a new man in no time!

Julia. The ultimate in upscale, exclusive, female companionship

View my LeosList massage advertisement here S.

Actual Photo – Contact me today!

Julia is my go to girl when I come to Victoria. She always has something lively to chat about.


I took a chance being new to town. Frankly, I was pleasantly surprised. She has a beautiful smile, great laugh and a tender touch. Her rates were very competitive. She’s nurturing and easy to spend time with. Massage was light but she did offer a more firmer session if I wanted.


I had loads of pain from my construction job. In just two sessions Julia provided me with much-needed relief! She seemed to know exactly where the pain was. Thanks.


Such soft skin and offered my some pretty awesome extras. She knows what she’s doing.


I’ve been seeing Julia for years. I really wanted someone with training and she certainly found sore spots especially the little man that was sorely neglected. 😉


I’ve seen Julia a couple times now. Both of my sessions were relaxing and very soothing. I cannot say enough about how grateful I am.
